I hope all is well in the land of the interwebs!
Apparently, today is National Seed Gathering Day here in Britain, I was out in the woods nice and early to oversee 10/10/2010 at 10:10am (lame, huh?) and the view was pretty great down at Bridge Wood in Ipswich.
[Insert the picture of the amazing view I forgot to take here]
I decided to do my own bit for the day by biking to Bridge Wood with my mug of coffee, big bag full of smaller bags and the sun blazing away, collecting all manner of seeds including Sweet Chestnut, Maple, Scots Pine, Silver Birch and some I didn't even recognise (I'm new to this kinda stuff!).
I'll be including success (and failure) of my foraging and dumpster diving on this blog including tips on bringing home your own bags of sweet, sweet swag in the near future.
[Insert the picture I would have posted but Bluetooth failed here]
Peace and love,