Sunday, 26 September 2010


Hunting season began a month or so ago, although the Hunting Act 2004 prohibits such immoral and relentless activity- the Fox Hunters are at it! These scumbags are out on horseback, with large packs of mistreated, starving hounds, dressed in their 'traditional' wear and all manner of other hunting gear at their disposal, ready to chase Foxes to exhaustion so they can be ripped apart by the hounds until they are a bloody mess, or worse.

We cannot stand by and watch this monstrosity!
Evil continues to succeed when good men and women do nothing.

The hunt saboteurs are out, with their boots on the ground, stopping this disgusting 'tradition' at the heart of where it happens - out in the fields, hedges and woodland.

The Hunt Saboteurs Association helps to fund the sabotage of these immoral (and illegal) hunts and propagates what goes on behind closed hedges. Quoted from their website (
"Hunt Saboteurs save thousands of animals every year, despite the efforts of huntsmen, terriermen, police and the courts to stop us. We act because we cannot stand by and allow the torture and killing of animals while politicians and media fudge the issues and delay any hope of legislation. Our actions mean the difference between life and death for hunted animals.

Over the past 35 years, hundreds of Hunt Saboteurs have been attacked at hunts, two killed by huntsmen and a huge number arrested by police in a futile attempt to stop what are proven tactics that save the lives of hunted animals.

Whilst the pro-hunt lobby and most of the mainstream media perpetuate the myth of 'saboteur gangs' armed with 'staves and balaclavas', the reality is, as the police would begrudgingly admit, rather different; Arrests have almost invariably been for 'Breach of the Peace' or more recently 'Aggravated Trespass' - not violence, just the heinous crime of blowing a hunting horn in a field or spraying lemon oil in a wood.

Whereas some campaigners will not overstep boundaries laid down for them by others, Hunt Saboteurs go directly to the source of the debate - and in doing so, see some of what really goes on in the hunting field.

There was no need for an inquiry into the effect of a ban on hunting - the outlawing of badger or bear baiting or dog-fighting were never delayed for the convenience of their participants on the pretext of job preservation or infringement of civil liberties as the current day hunters are managing. All it takes is political courage and honesty, something sadly lacking nowadays."

Nothing feels better than seeing a Fox get away because of the efforts of hunt saboteurs!
Hunt Saboteurs use non-violent techniques ONLY to prevent the hunters from getting their greasy mitts on our wildlife

My friends over at Fizz Monster are currently selling some awesomely cuteriffic, hand made, Fox Pins and donating half of the profits to the Hunt Saboteurs Association - get on it!
Chris and Meech who run Fizz Monster are some of the kindest, most considerate people I've ever met

I'll be posting some more Hunt Sabotage posts in due time (and no, I'm not going to let any of you hunters know where we're going, what time you'll see us, just letting you know - stop hunting the animals and we'll stop hunting you!)

Peace and love,